MHOOM | FASHION - HAIR - LIFESTYLE | WEBSHOP | Beauty | Make-up | HIRO | Palette Master

MHOOM | FASHION - HAIR - LIFESTYLE | WEBSHOP | Beauty | Make-up | HIRO | Palette Master | Dit is HIRO's grootste palette, voor de echte verzamelaar of visagist. Het palette is voorzien van een magnetische binnenkant zodat je oogschaduw tins blijven zitten. Buitenmaten L: 21,5 cm B: 12,5 cm Binnenmaten: L: 19 cm B: 10 cmN.B. palette wordt geleverd zonder producten. MHOOM is a clothingboutique and hairdresser in the center of Amsterdam, in the hair salon we use the fine products of Umaï, Rodolphe & Co, Hairstory New Wash, but MHOOM is also a clothing boutique with only ethical fashion and lifestyle items from Hannes Roether, About Companions, Les Racines Du Ciel, Inti Knitwear and Alchemist, fair trade, slow fashion, fair fashion, true fashion, ecofashion, ecologically responsible, environmentally friendly, PETA, Colette de Groot, Sanne Spaargaren, Met Het Oog Op Morgen
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Palette MasterHIRO


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This is HIRO's largest palette, for the real collector or make-up artist.
The palette has a magnetic interior so that your eyeshadow tins stay in place.

External dimensions L: 21.5 cm W: 12.5 cm
Internal dimensions: L: 19 cm W: 10 cm

N.B. palette is delivered without products.

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MHOOM | FASHION - HAIR - LIFESTYLE | WEBSHOP | Beauty | Make-up | HIRO | Palette Master

MHOOM | FASHION - HAIR - LIFESTYLE | WEBSHOP | Beauty | Make-up | HIRO | Palette Master | Dit is HIRO's grootste palette, voor de echte verzamelaar of visagist. Het palette is voorzien van een magnetische binnenkant zodat je oogschaduw tins blijven zitten. Buitenmaten L: 21,5 cm B: 12,5 cm Binnenmaten: L: 19 cm B: 10 cmN.B. palette wordt geleverd zonder producten. MHOOM is a clothingboutique and hairdresser in the center of Amsterdam, in the hair salon we use the fine products of Umaï, Rodolphe & Co, Hairstory New Wash, but MHOOM is also a clothing boutique with only ethical fashion and lifestyle items from Hannes Roether, About Companions, Les Racines Du Ciel, Inti Knitwear and Alchemist, fair trade, slow fashion, fair fashion, true fashion, ecofashion, ecologically responsible, environmentally friendly, PETA, Colette de Groot, Sanne Spaargaren, Met Het Oog Op Morgen